Saturday, August 21, 2010

Still on pace!!!

That's right, boys and girls, Rachel is still on pace, having read 232 books in 231 days of 2010. Look at that list to the left. Amazing. I keep Rachel's list on a Microsoft Word document, and with double spacing, the document is now 10 pages long.

Her most recent favorite is 'Making a Good Brain Great' by Daniel Amen. You can check out its sysnopsis and details at One quick hint: eat lots of blueberries.

Rachel sent me this via email, and I thought I would share it.

"I got a little daunted the other day about the thought of reading 140 more books. Then I was reading about marathon runners and how when they are running they don't think about 26 miles they just take it in small steps. That is what I am doing now; I am just looking at it one week at a time. I have stopped thinking about the finish line and I am focusing on smaller goals."

Yeah! Keep going!

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