Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More books than you can hold

This is a picture of 60 of the books Rachel has read in 2010. Though she has purchased a lot of books, she's also checked out a lot from the library. She's also considering a Kindle or an iPad.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Past the Century Mark

101 days, 101 books. Book 100 was 'Food Rules' by Michael Pollan, suggested by Rachel's sister-in-law Courtney Mangum.

So far this has been an incredible journey, and Rachel has no intentions of slowing down. If you don't think she's going to get 365, you don't know Rachel.

More specifics about the journey coming soon.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Picking Book 100

Rachel is looking for suggestions for book No. 100. If you're interested in suggesting book 100, respond to this post or send us a tweet @365books365days.

She's currently on pace (94 books in 94 days) and has been inspired by some of the books she's ready recently. Here are some recent highlights.
  • 'The Thank You Book' by Robin Friedman Spizman. 2/5 "Good ideas to say thanks, not a lot of substance"
  • 'The Enoch Letters' by Neal A. Maxwell. 3/5. "Interesting way to think about the Old Testament"
  • 'Throw Out Fifty Things' by Gaile Blanke. 5/5. "Down to earth"
  • 'Paper, Rock, Scissors' by Len Fisher. 4/5. "Intro to game theory"
  • 'Quirkology' by Richard Wiseman. 4/5. "Great for conversation starters"

She also loved a recent read, 'How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci' by Michael Gelb. "It's not the writing that has grabbed me," Rachel said. "But rather the ideas. It has ideas that I've read in my other favorites and it synthesizes them together. It may not be for everyone, but it definitely has been for me."